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Cleaner Raumpfleger Jobs in Switzerland

Jobs 1 to 25 of 742

Die Motorfahrzeugkontrolle ist zuständig für die Zulassung von Personen und Strassenfahrzeugen sowie Schiffen zum Verkehr. Für die...
Location: Bellach , Soleure
Language(s): German
Date Added: 14 Mar 2025
Raumpflegerin / Raumpfleger Zentralgefängnis 5 - 10% "Der erste Eindruck zählt.“ Und weil das so ist, sind wir froh, dass wir Conie bei uns haben. Die...
Location: Aarau , Argovia
Language(s): German
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Raumpfleger im Stundenlohn (w/m/d) 10 - 15%SolothurnManagement Services oder WIR SUCHEN DICHWir suchen per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine...
Location: Solothurn , Soleure
Language(s): German
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Ihre Aufgaben : Reinigung von Bürobereichen Reinigung von Nasszellen  Ferienablösung Ihr Profil: Erfahrung in der Unterhaltsreinigung Sehr gute...
Location: Safenwil , Argovia
Language(s): German
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Ihre Vorteile Sinnstiftende Tätigkeiten im Herzen der Schweiz inmitten schöner Natur- und Erholungsgebiete Abwechslungsreiche, herausfordernde und...
Location: Einsiedeln , Schwyz
Language(s): German
Date Added: 14 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Chavannes-Près-Renens , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
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Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers.We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Morges , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Bellinzona , Ticino
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Schaffhausen , Schaffhausen
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Genthod , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Yverdon-Les-Bains , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers.We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Mont-Sur-Rolle , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Renens , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers.We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Chexbres , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers.We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Genolier , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Fully , Valais
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Vernier , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Belmont-Sur-Lausanne , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Solothurn , Solothurn
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers.We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Founex , Vaud
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Geneva , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Troinex , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Onex , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Collonge-Bellerive , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025
Batmaid is the leading cleaning company for private individuals in Switzerland with over 55,000 customers. We are constantly looking for experienced...
Location: Grand-Saconnex , Geneva
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 13 Mar 2025

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